The Entomological Sciences Division (ESD) provides regional Army Public Health support through a variety of specialized missions. Our efforts focus on maximizing readiness through the protection of Soldiers, their families and DoD civilians from the health threats posed by vector-borne disease and medically important pests. The ESD focuses on education, programmatic evaluation, and consultative services for regional environmental health assets through the following mission types:
Entomological Technical Assistance Visit (ETAV)
Provide on-site technical entomological support to local medical authorities which includes training on: Integrated Pest Management (IPM) methods, health and safety elements associated with pests and pest management, and biosurveillance techniques targeting disease-carrying arthropods. Visits include reviewing competencies associated with the latest governing regulations and documents and coordinating with installation personnel having pest management and public health responsibilities. The visit can include investigations of, and assistance with, currently existing pest problems. This service helps to orient newly-assigned Environmental Science Officers and Preventive Medicine staff.
Specialized Technical Mission – Vector Surveillance (STM-VS)
Provide direct force health protection support by assessing the threat of existing and emerging vector-borne diseases and implementing surveillance and response planning. This includes integrating laboratory services for pathogen testing and working with local and regional health agencies to coordinate efforts and share epidemiological data. Specialized training of local medical authorities can be part of this mission.
Quick Response Mission (QRM)
Provide quick response to address an entomological, pest management, or vector-borne disease threat that requires immediate, on-site subject matter expertise. Time-sensitive actions are taken to assess and rectify entomological-related problems that can cause economic damage or impact public health.
Arthropod & Pest Identification Service (APIS)
Provide skilled expertise in identifying arthropods of public health and economic importance. Arthropod specimens that are submitted to PHC-A headquarters and that conform to ESD submission protocols are identified and pertinent information is provided to the requestor. Specimens suitable for pathogen analysis, such as mosquitoes and ticks, are prepared for testing by PHC-A Laboratory Sciences Division. When needed, ESD works with specialists at local institutions such as the Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit and the Smithsonian Institute to address unusual arthropod-related cases.
Subject Matter Expertise
Entomological staff provide expertise by participating in working groups, panels, and educational forums. These include the Armed Forces Pest Management Board, Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, and the Federal Integrated Pest Management Coordinating Committee. The ESD also supports mentoring incentives for young scientists as part of the Oak Ridge Science and Education (ORISE) Program.