We are the U.S. Army Public Health Command, East (PHC, East)

PHC, East maintains a professional and technically competent staff of Soldiers and Civilians. We provide Public Health support in the areas of medical entomology, environmental health and engineering, sanitation, clinical veterinary care, food safety, food defense, industrial hygiene, and operational public health readiness planning and training. We also provide trained individuals to support world-wide deployment missions and medical response teams. We accomplish this varied and comprehensive support through our Veterinary Services Directorate and our Technical Services Directorate with its four divisions: (1) Environmental Health and Engineering Division; (2) Industrial Hygiene Division; (3) Laboratory Services Division; and (4) Entomological Sciences Division.
PHC, East also advises commanders on animal and veterinary public health missions in order to support the readiness and deployability of 1,400 DoD-owned animals. We optimize Service and Family Members’ readiness through comprehensive veterinary care of over 212,000 privately-owned animals. We provide food protection technical expertise and quality assurance through the Commercial Sanitation Audit Program to safeguard the wholesomeness and high quality of food and bottled water to DoD customers. We accomplish this through our Veterinary Services Directorate and our four Public Health Activities: (1) Veterinary Readiness Activity, Fort Belvoir; (2) Veterinary Readiness Activity, Fort Liberty; (3) Veterinary Readiness Activity, Fort Knox; and (4) Veterinary Readiness Activity, Fort Eisenhower.

Public Health Command, East strives to ensure the health and readiness of Warfighters, DA Civilians, Beneficiaries and DoD-owned animals through comprehensive Public Health Services across 26 States, Guantanamo Bay, and Puerto Rico in support of global force health protection.

Be the leading public health support and readiness command across the DoD enterprise.


Brigade level Military S1, is the Human Resources office that services as a “One Stop” shop to address concerns, disseminate information, communicate and provide administrative support to our assigned and attached Soldiers. We are one of the primary staff assistant offices to the commander for all military HR related issues. To list a few, we handle matters pertaining to strength management, personnel qualifications, evaluations, personnel assignment, clearance, recruiting, record updates, promotions and battalion taskings. Additionally, we are responsible for the overall mentorship of the battalion level S1.

Work With Us

S2 - usarmy.meade.medcom-ph-a.list.s2@health.mil
S4 - Logistics information coming soon
S8 - Budget information coming soon
If you're looking for a workplace that places a high priority on safety, consider working with us. Our Safety Office is dedicated to safeguarding and protecting our service members and civilian employees, ensuring they have a secure and safe environment to work in. We believe in risk management and take every precaution to prevent injury and damage, comply with the law, and limit liability. Our Safety Manager provides advice, conducts audits, and assists commanders and managers in implementing safety and occupational health programs. With our commitment to safety, we can create a workplace where everyone can thrive.

The Army Safety Excellence Streamer

On 25 October 2023, PHC, East HQ was awarded the Army Safety Excellence Streamer. The brigade had completed 12 consecutive months without experiencing a Soldier or unit at-fault Class A or B accident.

The Army Safety Guardian Award

Since 2023, two soldiers from HQ and nine soldiers from VRA, Eisenhower have received Army Safety Guardian Awards (https://safety.army.mil/AWARDS/Award-Recipients):
 2023 Army Safety Guardian Award Recipients
MAJ Rachel Cheramie
MAJ Melissa N. North
CPT Anna L. Kucera
CPT Brooke D. Dotson
2024 Army Safety Guardian Award Recipients
CPL Brianna J. Siebeneck
CPL Lauren A. Gilbert
MAJ Kevin L. Hinton
LTC Tiffany Kimbrell
SPC LeChonda W. Council
CPL Kimberly A. Prinkey
SSG Markeitveon D. Battle

Level: Individual (U.S. Army military personnel and DA Civilians)
Criteria: An individual must have, through extraordinary actions or skills, reacted to an emergency event or an imminently dangerous situation, thereby eliminating or minimizing loss, such as damage to Army property or injury to Army personnel; emergencies or dangerous situations resulting from enemy action may be included for consideration.
Nominated by: Unit commander may send a request for consideration thru the first O-6 in the individual’s or unit’s chain of command.
Judging: The Director of Army Safety (DASAF) will convene a panel as needed to screen nominations and make recommendations for the award. The panel will be composed of at least four Army Headquarters or installation safety personnel and the Deputy Director of Army Safety or their designated representative.
Award: Standing plaque and certificate

The Professional Certificate in Safety and Occupational Health

On 22 January 2024, the Public Health Command, East Safety Manager, Kandy Williams, was awarded the Professional Certificate in Safety and Occupational Health. The Professional Certificate in Safety and Occupational Health is accredited by ANSI (American National Standards Institute).

Medical Readiness Command, East
BLDG #1221, 9275 Doeer Road
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060

DOD Safe Helpline 24/7: 877-995-5247
DoD SAFE HELPLINE:  www.safehelpline.org

SHARP Help Desk: 855.666.0890
SHARP Help Desk Email:
SHARP Website: https://www.armyresilience.army.mil/sharp/ SHARP ICRS: https://sr2.dms.army.mil
DSAID: https://dsaid.sapr.health.mil
CATCH System: https://catch.ncis.navy.mil/
Military Equal Opportunity Program (MEOP)
Provides an environment in which Soldiers are given opportunities based solely on merit, performance, and potential in support of readiness without regard to race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and pregnancy), national origin, or sexual orientation.
Equal Opportunity Leaders (EOL)
Responsible for providing guidance on current policy, assisting in unit training, and processing informal complaints.
Complaint Process